Engineering Handbook Lite2.6
Publisher Description
Engineering Hand Book allows you to carry engineering concepts where ever you go.
Features available in engineering handbook are Materials, Numbers, Mechanics, Engineering Components and Metal Cutting Components. View various engineering related formulas and calculate values. Engineering Handbook app enables you to work with Engineering Handbook directly on your Android smart phone.
Accurately calculate and use correct formulas while you are on location in the field, in meetings, or out of the office.
In Materials feature user can view Classification of categories of ferrous metals (Steel, Iron), Non-ferrous metals and Plastics, can view property details of selected materials and all materials in tabular format and calculate equal and unequal angles as per Indian Standards.
In Numbers feature user can calculate basic mathematical calculations, trigonometric calculation, Pythagorean theorem, conversion from Inch to Millimeter and vice versa and can view the units physical quantities, symbols and calculate different Measures and weights.
In Mechanics feature user can view the formulas for Gear drive and dimensions.
In Engineering Components Feature user can calculate the maximum and minimum value for conversion from Hole to Shaft and vice versa.
In Metal Cutting Operation feature user can calculate Folding, edging and Cold bending value, cutting speed, machining time, clearance between die and punch and Cutting force.
About Engineering Handbook Lite
The company that develops Engineering Handbook Lite is Twenty Technologies Pvt Ltd. The latest version released by its developer is 2.6. This app was rated by 2 users of our site and has an average rating of 3.5.
To install Engineering Handbook Lite on your Android device, just click the green Continue To App button above to start the installation process. The app is listed on our website since 2014-01-07 and was downloaded 281 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the Engineering Handbook Lite as malware as malware if the download link to com.twentytech.westermanntables.information is broken.
How to install Engineering Handbook Lite on your Android device:
- Click on the Continue To App button on our website. This will redirect you to Google Play.
- Once the Engineering Handbook Lite is shown in the Google Play listing of your Android device, you can start its download and installation. Tap on the Install button located below the search bar and to the right of the app icon.
- A pop-up window with the permissions required by Engineering Handbook Lite will be shown. Click on Accept to continue the process.
- Engineering Handbook Lite will be downloaded onto your device, displaying a progress. Once the download completes, the installation will start and you'll get a notification after the installation is finished.
Program Details
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Version History
version 2.6
posted on 2014-01-07
Advantages of Engineering Handbook,1. User friendly,2. User can access this application in mobile.,3. User can easily calculate the values.,4. Labeled results for clarity,Please visit our website for a User manual to help you start using the apps.,
version 2.6
posted on 2012-09-25
Several fixes and updates